BB Hearing receiver cleaner

Many people who wear a hearing aid dread the day when it suddenly stops working properly. Incidentally, the decreasing functioning is a slow process, which the wearer does not consciously notice at first, but then suddenly experiences as an annoying daily burden. As an audiologist, you know all about it, because you naturally talk about it with your customers.

You - as a hearing care professional - know that in most cases the problem is caused by a defective receiver in the hearing aid. So, the logical question is: How do you prevent a hearing aid's receiver from malfunctioning?

Well, you are the solution!

First of all, we will point out the main cause... you guessed it: the malfunctioning of the hearing aid is almost always due to a build-up of cerumen in the receiver located between the hearing aid and the earmold. The loudspeaker (the receiver) amplifies the sound received by the microphone, but can no longer transmit it optimally to the ear, with all its consequences.

To govern is to predict

On the one hand, the filter and receiver may need to be replaced, but on the other hand, the credo "to govern is to predict" must be applied. Because, immediate replacement is not always the most advantageous solution.

In fact, let's try to avoid moving to replacement too quickly. Your customer will agree with you. After all, they are not waiting for a renewed investment in a new loudspeaker. The first receiver may still be under warranty, but after that, in most cases, the consumer will have to pay a fee for any subsequent receivers. You - as a hearing care professional - do not want to burden the consumer with unnecessary costs. Rather, you provide service!

So: prevent that the receivers can no longer be cleaned.

But how?



Preventive maintenance is the final answer

For example, you can apply a drop of liquid to the loudspeaker. When doing so, always choose a high-quality receiver cleaning agent. Its purpose? To dissolve cerumen in the speaker! You only let the liquid soak in for one minute. You then actually dry out the stuck earwax, after which you suck it out with professional suction equipment.

This can be done, for example, with the Ewa X3-service station or with the b-dry pro vacuum dryer. This equipment is suitable for use with the cleaning agent.

The bottle with the cleaning agent has a convenient pipette, which makes dispensing just one drop of liquid into the speaker child's play.

So in many cases, this is the solution. With this, you offer your customers excellent service, because it is an operation in the store that does not take much time. It saves your customer money. And.... it ultimately saves you – dear audiologist - a lot of time.

Finally, a useful tip: if, for example, you keep in touch with your customers by sending out a newsletter, you can cleverly highlight this service in that newsletter every time. And all this under the credo: to govern is to predict!

Because, you prevent your customers from incurring unnecessary costs. And you make sure that they always get the most out of the hearing device.

For sure that the client really wants to hear that!